Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
1.Transilvanian Hunger
2.Over Fjell og Gjennom Torner
3.Skald av Satans Sol
4.Slottet i Det Fjerne
5.Graven Tåkeheimens Saler
6.I en Hall Med Flesk og Mjød
7.As Flittermice as Satan's Spys
8.En Ås i Dype Skogen
Length: 39:02
28 users have collected this album

Transilvanian Hunger

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 1994
  • Country: Norway
Legacy score:
Legacy score infoThis rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.
94% 4.7 star rating
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Length: 39:02

  1. Transilvanian Hunger
  2. Over Fjell og Gjennom Torner
  3. Skald av Satans Sol
  4. Slottet i Det Fjerne
  5. Graven Tåkeheimens Saler
  6. I en Hall Med Flesk og Mjød
  7. As Flittermice as Satan's Spys
  8. En Ås i Dype Skogen
28 users have collected this album

Reviews for
'Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger'
'Transilvanian Hunger'

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4.7 star rating 94%

Legacy score

This rating is inherited from the previous version of the site, and is equivalent to one review.

Review for 'Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger'
Rated in the Before-Time, in the Long-Long-Ago.
600 Hits

for 'Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger'

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Love that raw sound

i think i fell in love with bm when i heard this for the first time, thats all you need to know rly

Not sure of this is the best black metal album of all time or one of the other Norwegian masterpieces.

I'd give it 4/5 to be honest. Good listen and in 1994 it must have been highly influential, but in perspective it is not an album you can listen to over and over again, unlike some other albums (both old and new)

I agree that this is the greatest Darkthrone album. The melodies at work here, plus the perfect atmosphere, just elevate it. Haunting album artwork too and a triumph to complete the trilogy, all of which are 10/10 albums.

#6 By Necrolexicon (Archived) on
20th Jan, 2020 @ 10:04 UTC

The title track is a classic, the rest is fairly forgettable but has a unique style which sadly has been thrashed to death by now.

Thank you fenriz.
the best Darkthrone album for sure.

This is the magic of Transilvanian Hunger: offering an experience that trascends simple music, to become a real form of arcane poetry, capable of speaking directly to your soul.

This is the first black metal album i've listened to, still one of my favourites

I never get bored when i listen to this. Every track fits perfectly on the album!

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