About formatting
When posting content on Lycanthropia.net, HTML tags are stripped automatically. Instead, there are inline formatting tags available, also known as "BBcode" tags.
This ensures that formatting is consistent across the site, and avoids issues arising from broken HTML.
If you've been around for a while, you will no doubt have encountered BBcode tags on forums over the years, but if this is new to you, these tags are explained below.
If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to reach out to an admin.
List of available tags
B |
[b]...[/b] | Bold text |
I |
[i]...[/i] | Italic text |
U |
[u]...[/u] | Underlined text |
S |
[s]...[/s] | Strikethrough text |
[small]...[/small] | Small text |
[title]...[/title] | Title * |
[url=http://www.url.com]...[/url] or [url=http://www.url.com|tooltip]...[/url] |
Website URL |
[source=url] or [source=url|tooltip] |
Information source * |
[quote]...[/quote] | Quote text |
[list] [item]...[/item] [item]...[/item] [item]...[/item] [/list] |
Convert to list |
[numberlist] [item]...[/item] [item]...[/item] [item]...[/item] [/numberlist] |
Convert to numbered list |
[indent]...[/indent] | Indent text |
[flag=xxx] | Country flag |
[avatar=filename] | Avatar |
[sidequote=quote] or [sidequote=quote|author|align] |
Sidebox quote * |
[youtube=id] | YouTube video |
[bandcamp=id] or [bandcamp=id|height|type] |
Bandcamp player * |
[soundcloud=id] or [soundcloud=id|height|type] |
Soundcloud player * |
* Not available for comments or reviews. |