Horna - Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle
1.Hymni I
2.Hymni II
3.Hymni III
4.Hymni IV
5.Hymni V
6.Kuoleva Lupaus
Submitted by Jeger

Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle

  • Type: Full-length
  • Style: Black Metal
    Genre infoTo keep things simple, albums are grouped into a handful of approximate styles.
  • Year: 2024
  • Country: Finland
This album was released on 13th September, 2024.
Average score:
Avg. score:
93% 4.7 star rating
2 Reviews


  1. Hymni I
  2. Hymni II
  3. Hymni III
  4. Hymni IV
  5. Hymni V
  6. Kuoleva Lupaus
Submitted by Jeger

2 Reviews for
'Horna - Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle'
'Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle'

5.0 star rating 100%

Horna - “ Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle” 2024

“Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle”

Origin: Lappeenranta, Etelä-Karjala / Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finland

Genre: Black Metal

Label: World Terror Committee

"We judge every man and woman only by their demeanor, not by their race or sexual preferences. We have zero interest in politics, left or right." Says Horna, and to that statement I must wholeheartedly agree. Fascist terror groups like ANTIFA and cancerous media outlets like MetalSucks have made it their point to foolishly label Horna of all collectives an NSBM band or one with alleged ties to said movement. Look, I’m of the mind that there’s a lot more to be sketched out over when it comes to far left metal than there ever will be over right. Idiots make up both sides, but any person with a passion for art who supports ANTIFA is either a hypocrite or just an idiot. Concerts canceled in The States back in 2019 due solely to the above-mentioned enemies of metal, MetalSucks, hysteria-induced accusations of bigotry and just the whole pathetic leftist witch hunt for fascism thing. It’s enough to make you throw up in your mouth a little… Horna aren’t anything but booze-happy, Satanic, occult sons of bitches and have never been anything else - a Finnish institution whose music has widely spanned the influential breadth of the genre since 1994 - purveyors of true OCCULT-inspired Finnish black metal.

Horna is the brainchild of guitarist and Finnish BM visionary, Shatraug - renowned for his contributions to the scene but still underrated. And since their inception, as it is black metal tradition, Horna have released about 1000 records. Within their extensive discography, you’ll discover 11 LP’s with one just over the horizon coming by way of the diabolical World Terror Committee. On September 13, worldwide, Horna will release “Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle”.

I was expecting an organic continuation of Horna’s 2020 “Kuolemon Kirjo”, something perhaps that delves even deeper into the realm of Satanism, but in this, Horna’s twelfth volume, the night awaits! Hymns and spells to herald nightly things: crescent moon aglow just beyond clouds of silver, Witches in sway with great summoned Daemons by the heat of bonfire and intoxicated by the sacred essence of world-gone-dark. Cloaked in shadow and casting their usual destructive emanations are Horna, but with passion akin to that of youth it seems as this record inspires more than just one of those eyes closed, fists clenched moments. And the energy - like concentrated bursts of flame that ignite with every pronounced snare pop and every crisp cymbal crash - the foundation to intricately-composed yet linear and blazing with speed riffing patterns lain. Five epics and what appears to be a dreamlike re-imagining of an old classic in “Kuoleva Lupaus” that all just ooze melody and radiate warm Left Hand heart & soul. “Hymni I” and “Hymni II”, like sonic elixirs and their effect? Total and complete submission to the experience. Just stoned as fuck, gently nodding my head, eyes half shut and drunk on the unbridled melody of it all.

It’s like I always fucking hear 90’s alternative when I listen to Horna, and there are lots of those moments peppered throughout “Nyx”, particularly in “Hymni III” - those loose punk-inspired beats and that Nirvana-like roll & twang to each chord that just make me wanna throw on some Jncos and snort some Ritalin… But to describe this recording as anything less than perfect and anything short of true black metal from top to bottom would be such a Left Wing thing to do. Simply the very best album that this band has ever recorded; an album of the year contender? I’d put my vote in now (you don’t actually get to vote).

As the international extreme metal scene fevers with PC culture infection, projects like Nokturnal Mortum, Satanic Warmaster and Horna just continue to do what they do best, and that is to create some of the world’s finest music, not just BM. Need a reason to love black metal? Take a listen… With “Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle”, Horna own the world of Finnish black metal; austere in their position and gazing o’er a celebrated Suomi scene that they along with Sargeist and the aforementioned SW all elevated to the next level following the initial scourge of Archgoat, Impaled Nazarene and Barathrum. So, let the SJW’s squirm under their blue hair and may ANTIFA continue to get beaten up on camera. May true black metal and national pride always stand paramount over real hysteria-based Left Wing fascism and hatred, and may free thought/expression never be censored. Here’s to Horna.

Captivation: 10/10
Concept: 10/10
Cover Art: 10/10
Production: 10/10
Revisitability: 10/10

Final Score: 10/10

Experience “Hymni I” from “Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle” by Horna right here as presented by World Terror Committee:



Review for 'Horna - Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle' by Jeger
by Lycanthropia.net Jeger on 19th August, 2024
Trusted User - Lycanthropia.net - 53 reviews
4.4 star rating 87%

As good as always with Shatraug

Horna is definitely one of the most important black metal band ever and might be the most important that comes from Finland, so I don't think any introduction is needed for them. They've release a ton of stuff since their beginning (12 full-length, 11 EP and shit loads of split) and almost never released something bad or even mid. Pretty much every release has something interesting, and a lot of them are total banger. This one is definitely one of my favourite of the Spellgoth era.

The album start with an awesome riff which instantly remind you that one of the best black metal riffs maker is actually behind it, fucking Shatraug. Every time that an album is release with him as guitarist, wether with Horna, Sargeist, Behexen or any of the band in which he plays (That means a fucking endless list), you know the riff will be awesome. The best riffs to me are in "I" and "III".

During the hole album, the best aspect is the guitar riff and melody. But I also really like the vocals on this album. Normally, I'm not a big fan of Spellgoth vocals, especially on the album Askel lähempänä Saatanaa. But on this album, is vocals are pretty good. And of course the brutal Finnish language gives a little touch I love to the vocals.

The only thing I don't really like about this album is the fact that he is way more clean than normally with Horna. I feel like the guitar, the vocals and the drums really hit less harder than normally. I feel like the spirit of the band is less there than normally.

Other than that, "Kuoleva Lupaus" has always been one of my favourite song by this band, and I really like that they did a clean version of it on this album. It actually does sound good with clean guitar and vocals, especially around 5:30 into the song.

To conclude, I believe that this album is one the best of 2024, but it is far from being the best Horna did. It is good, but really far from deserving the perfect note like I have seen. I don't believe we can place this album higher than Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne, Sanojesi Äärelle or Perimä Vihassa ja Verikostossa, and many other Horna release. And I personally think that even these release are far from deserving a 100%, and I believe that if you listen to them, you will agree that this album is nothing compare to them.



Review for 'Horna - Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle' by Warblackmetal666
by Quebec Warblackmetal666 on 5th January, 2025
Trusted User - Lycanthropia.net - 29 reviews

'Horna - Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle'
'Nyx - Hymnejä Yölle'

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