Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury
1.Swarming Opulence
2.Lower World
3.Gotham Luxe
4.Chernobyl Blues
6.Mother Machine
7.The Filth
8.Luxury In Death
Length: 56:03

Vile Luxury

This album was released on 13th July, 2018.
Average score:
Avg. score:
Average score infoOne more review is needed in order to make this album eligible for ranked awards
(Top 100 & Awards page).
76% 3.8 star rating
1 Review

Length: 56:03

  1. Swarming Opulence
  2. Lower World
  3. Gotham Luxe
  4. Chernobyl Blues
  5. Cosmopolis
  6. Mother Machine
  7. The Filth
  8. Luxury In Death

1 Review for
'Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury'
'Vile Luxury'

3.8 star rating 76%

This probably means something to math majors!

Imperial Triumphant is one of the most extreme bands when it comes to experimentation and weird songwriting. Their first two albums were extremely obscure and weird, but on this release, it seems that they invented a new sound.

I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, this album is probably technically very impressive, but it just doesn't work. The jazzy improvisations sound like shit! And I'm not being obtuse here, I love good experimental bands, bands like Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, or even old school stuff like Voivod, but this band's experimentation gets awfully close to Gorguts territory! I also like some old school Jazz, and even some fusion Jazz like Ambient Jazz or even some Metal/Jazz, but this just DOESN'T WORK!

Maybe if you try, you can find a lot of technical info from some forums, but I still can't see exactly how this approach is musical?!

Out of the four releases by this band, this is probably the most listenable, but even so I'm 100% certain that I won't go near any of this band's previous or future releases! In fact, you know what?! I just deleted the folder containing stuff related to this band!

Avoid at all costs!

Review for 'Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury' by PeaceThroughAnarchy
by Iran PeaceThroughAnarchy on 19th May, 2021
Trusted User - - 160 reviews
Bang That Head That Doesn't Bang to Sarcofago.

'Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury'
'Vile Luxury'

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for 'Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury'

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This album is a marvel of creativity, darkness and refreshing vibrance to see musicianship at this level that is so often painfully lacking in black metal

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